Robotic Cells

Robotic cell for handling mirrors

Robotic cell for wet base automation

Robotic stacking sorting cell

Robotic gluing cell

Spring handling robot cell

Robotic cell for bonding extruded polystyrene to concrete slabs

Depalletising and unpacking robot cell

Robotic cell for automobile tyres

What are robotic cells?

Robotic cells are redefining the automation landscape in multiple industrial sectors. These advanced systems consist of workstations where robots and other automated devices perform specific tasks in a coordinated manner.

Robotic cells are highly efficient for repetitive and precise processes, such as assembly, welding, and material handling. Their implementation leads to a marked improvement in productivity and product quality, while reducing occupational hazards.

Estos sistemas son flexibles y pueden ser adaptados a diferentes necesidades de producción, lo que los hace ideales para empresas que buscan optimizar sus procesos con tecnología de punta.

Cartesian palletisers

Characteristics of robotic cells

One of the main features of robotic cells is their high adaptability and scalability. They can be designed to integrate seamlessly into existing production lines or to create new automated lines.

Los sistemas de células robotizadas son reconocidos por su precisión y consistencia, mejorando significativamente la eficiencia operativa y reduciendo los tiempos de inactividad.

They also contribute to the safety of the working environment when performing hazardous or ergonomically challenging tasks. With the ability to operate continuously and with minimal supervision, robotic cells are a smart investment for companies looking to stay ahead in efficiency, safety and quality.