Conveyors Lightweight

Volteador de piezas

Mobile belt conveyor

Belt conveyor with tilting bridge

Bucket belt conveyor

Cord conveyor

Belt conveyor with turner

Oven outlet table distributor

Modular belt conveyor

Roller conveyor for tyres

Roller conveyor at the dryer outlet

Modular belt conveyor

Sleeved roller conveyor

Roller conveyor with turner

Roof tile belt conveyor

Squaring curve

Double oven entrance

Belt conveyor

Hinged conveyor

Small belt conveyor

Extending roller conveyor

¿Qué son los transportadores ligeros?

Lightweight conveyors are an essential logistics and material handling solution in many industries. Designed to be flexible and efficient, these conveyor systems are ideal for moving a variety of small to medium sized products.

Lightweight conveyors feature a modular and adaptable design, allowing custom configuration to meet the specific needs of each operation. They are easy to install and maintain, and their lightweight construction does not compromise durability or efficiency. These systems significantly improve workflow, increasing productivity and minimising downtime on the production line.

Ventajas de los transportadores ligeros

Una de las principales ventajas de los transportadores ligeros es su capacidad para optimizar el espacio y mejorar la ergonomía en el lugar de trabajo. Su diseño compacto y eficiente ayuda a maximizar el uso del espacio disponible, mientras que su operación suave y constante reduce la necesidad de manipulación manual, minimizando el riesgo de lesiones.

Moreover, these systems are highly versatile and can be used in a wide range of applications, from the food industry to electronics.

Con opciones de personalización, como la velocidad ajustable y la inclusión de curvas y elevaciones, los transportadores ligeros ofrecen una solución ideal para agilizar los procesos de producción y embalaje.